Friday 31 January 2014

an angel from above

Somewhere in the middle of my battle, i met u. In the middle of my loneliness, u appeared.. didnt expect to meet u this early. U have the eyes that i admire the most.. the sense of humour that makes me want to talk to you more. With an open mind, i got the chance to know u and u to know me as well.. i ask God if its u  whom i asked for. If its u already.. if its u who'll fill my lonely days and nights with love and care. But then i told myself.. im afraid. What if one day, ill dissapoint u. What if one day, ull stop talking to me. What if..

Then i didnt win the battle,yet ur there.. giving me the assurance that im not alone.. that WE will work harder to win the next battle.. But then, after a while.. YOU LEFT..

I ask God why. Then i came to realize, maybe God sent u to be my guardian angel in the midst of my battle. Maybe i need someone to cheer me up so i wont break down and lost my mind after my biggest downfall..

maybe.. just maybe..

 It hurts.. cuz i almost fell. It hurts, cuz i found a new friend  and after sometime, i lost one. It hurts cuz im starting to need u. It hurts cuz im still waiting for ur response. It hurts cuz i havent got a single idea why u left..

 It hurts again..

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